NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I finally got a plunger pot to a void the evils of instant... My partner keeps coming home and finding me hopped up on caffine at all hours 'cause I couldnt find anything sweet, so a coffee seemed like a good idea!
Sam: He is NOT obsessive-compulsive.
Connor: Too damn smart for his own good. When he's good, he's very good. When he's not, he quits.
Emily: Ramona Quimby, age eight... no, nine- crap, ten. Forget all that. She's 12. This thing is hella old. Loves pink, can kick your ass.
Ethan: Puss-in-Boots, Shrek style. So cute with those puppydog eyes, will get away with anything because you'll let him because he'll logic you into a corner.
Sarah: I put up with all of them.
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That makes me want to cry. I will hug my coffee a little bit harder than usual this morning.
i'm with cate.
it would totally mess with my ability to function.
i'll give my coffee a kiss for you and pray.
Oooh nooo!! what a bummer. I would just run and hide, back under the sheets! ha
I would ask what happened, but don't want to dredge up any nightmare-inducing memories. Hope there was a Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts nearby...
I finally got a plunger pot to a void the evils of instant... My partner keeps coming home and finding me hopped up on caffine at all hours 'cause I couldnt find anything sweet, so a coffee seemed like a good idea!
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